
Pinky doom 3
Pinky doom 3

Take down the pinky to get access to the health station behind him, but you still won't be able to use the elevators. Head down the other path, through a door, and across a skywalk to open a door and unleash a pinky. Just behind the chainsaw zombie (down the path to the left) is a computer teriminal that'll let you disable the general security of the area. Follow the path right and you'll enter a room with some imps and a chainsaw zombie. Follow the walkway left and you'll fight an imp and get access to some items. Stop the service lift and make it raise you to the walkway. Just through the next door, you'll see some buildings to your left and a walkway up above. Watch your left, as a trick wall gives way to reveal a Z-SEC and some items. On the platform beyond the door you'll find the PDA of Ron Ridge, which gives you access to operate the the service lift.Ĭall the lift towards you and then manually guide it forward. Continue down the other path and open the door with your shotgun ready to intercept the leaping imp on the other side. As you collect the gear there, a pinky will spawn behind you. To the left is a dead-end with some items to grab. For now, open the door to the left, kill the imp inside, and wait for the pair of wraiths to come prancing towards you. You'll reach a small control panel, but you don't have clearance to use it yet. Carefully walk into the next area and climb the ladder to the right. To the left you'll find some items, and to the right you'll reach a door that opens up to the warm welcome of a cacodemon. You'll see an imp just on the other side of the door.

Pinky doom 3